Hypnotherapy to Stop Self Sabotage
You Can Overcome Self-Sabotage with Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy
An individual is said to be self-sabotaging when they create problems for themselves that hinder the accomplishment of their goals. For instance, procrastination is a very common example of self-sabotage.
The degrees of self-sabotage vary greatly and you may sabotage yourself mildly or take it to extreme limits. The extremities include medication with drugs and alcohol and inflicting injury upon yourself. On a milder note, comfort eating is considered a form of self-sabotage which might start off mild but can escalate to damaging extremes if not controlled in time.
Why Do You Self Sabotage?
No one wants to want to inflict harm upon themselves intentionally. However, the thing about self-sabotage is that it makes you feel good in the beginning. You feel like this is the right thing to do as it comforts you for the time being.
For example, comfort eating will satisfy you for the time being and might make you forget whatever problem you may be going through. However, once you make it a habit and perform the same behavior on a daily basis, it can become problematic. So in the case of comfort eating, the habit can become a precursor to obesity and medical conditions in the long run.
A 2010 study conducted by Niya, Brook, and Crocker published in the journal Self and Identity, clearly showed why people self-sabotage. The study included two groups of students who were made to prepare for a test. They were given an option to choose from two sets of CDs to listen to during the test, one being attention enhancers and other being attention distractors.
It was seen that the group of students who wanted to perform well chose the distracting CDs. This shows that we often self-sabotage ourselves so that if we fail, we can blame our failure on something else.
How Can Hypnotherapy Help?
Hypnotherapy is considered one of the safest and easiest methods for disturbing patterns of self-sabotaging behaviors. It directs your subconscious and your conscious both to behave in a way that is beneficial for your being. In clinical conditions, several techniques are used to create a positive image of one’s self into their brains.
Hypnotherapy helps you to create an image of self-worth and self-love.
It will help you to find the troubling thing from your past or present that has induced self-sabotaging behavior in you.
Following that, hypnosis helps you to think constructively and have a positive approach towards everything.
To make hypnosis possible and successful, it is important that you make up your mind about bringing change in your life. If you have set your mind to believe that change is not possible, it will be hard for you to benefit from hypnotherapy. Your hypnotherapist will ask you questions first to gain some insight into your problem and the trigger for this behavior.
People with self-sabotaging behaviors often lack the motivation that is needed to accomplish any goal or aim in life. Your hypnotherapist will establish whether you have that determination. If not, they will make you believe that you are worthy and that your dreams can only be fulfilled once you become accepting of the tools and techniques that they are going to use.
After learning about your condition, your hypnotherapist will take you into a relaxed state and will make use of visualization, words and other techniques to speak to your subconscious. This practice will induce feelings of self-worth and self-power. Over time, you will learn to believe in yourself and have a positive attitude in life.
Hypnotherapeutic Tools for Self-Sabotage
Hypnotherapists use certain tools to reduce or eliminate self-sabotaging behavior from the lives of their clients. They make you think of the positive things in life so that you can redirect your focus on them instead of thinking of the negative aspects. Similarly, they train your brain to response to positive triggers. Using imagery and empowerment suggestions, your hypnotherapist will make you believe in yourself once again. This will make you more focused on your goals. Some of the commonly uses hypnotherapy tools are:
Inducing positive triggers
Confidence Building
Repairing damaged self-confidence
A study published by Want and Keitman in 2006 by the name of Imposter Phenomenon and Self-Handicapping talked about the behavior of students in terms of self-sabotage. Examples included studying just the night before and then blaming the short time span for their failure.
Self-sabotaging behavior is more common that most people think and hypnotherapy can help with regulating this behavior. To seek help with better managing this issue, get in touch with Jake Rubin, M.A. at Westside Hypnotherapyj in Los Angeles.
Sessions here will help you become more confident in yourself enabling you to think more positively and prepare yourself for success. Call or click below today to book a free phone consultation.